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作者: 来源:古天乐代言太阳集团 阅读次数: 日期:2020-04-16

1. 标题

· Utility and usability of intrinsic tag maps

· 内置式标签地图的可用性与易用性研究

2. 成果信息

· Nai Yang, Alan M. MacEachren & Emily Domanico (2020): Utility and usability of intrinsic tag maps, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/15230406.2020.1732835

· https://doi.org/10.1080/15230406.2020.1732835

· 国家留学基金委(201706415027)。

3. 成果团队成员

· 杨乃,男,副教授。目前主要从事地图可视化及地理信息空间分析与智能应用相关研究工作,已发表SCI、EI等检索学术论文40余篇,参与撰写专著、教材5,获批发明专利2项,软件著作权8项。简介http://grzy.cug.edu.cn/yangnai

· Alan MacEachren is an American geographer, Professor of Geography and Director, GeoVISTA Center, Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University. He is known for his cross-disciplinary work in the fields of human-centered geographic visualization, scientific and information visualization, and in statistics. MacEachren’s own research roots are in cartography and spatial cognition. His current research interests cover a wide spectrum of GIScience topics. These include: geovisual analytics, geovisualization and exploratory spatial data analysis, geosemantics and geographical information retrieval. Applications domains to which his research connects include public health, crisis management, and environmental science. 简介:https://www.geog.psu.edu/directory/alan-maceachren.

· Emily Domanico, MS Studentinterests: GIScience 简介:https://sites.psu.edu/testinggeovista/people/graduate-students/

4. 成果介绍

· 该研究针对内置式标签地图的可用性与易用性问题,借助亚马逊劳务众包平台(Amazon Mechanical Turk)开展用户实证研究利用一系列信息获取任务的反馈情况来评估内置式标签地图的可用性问题利用用户在使用地图时的信心易读性和偏好性等来评估内置式标签地图的易用性问题。此外,还对标签方向、制图区域轮廓形状带来的用户反馈差异性进行了统计分析。用户反馈结果显示内置式标签地图在一些快速形成文本内容概况的任务中表现优异,用户使用的信心指数较高,但在搜索特定标签时性能有所下降,同时,其可读性和布局还有待进一步改善。此外,制图区域轮廓形状对内置式标签地图的可用性具有显著性影响,标签方向和制图区域轮廓形状对内置式标签地图的易用性有显著影响,不同性别的用户表现略有不同。该研究有助于进一步改善标签地图的设计效果。

团队研发的内置式标签地图生成系统Tag Map Explorer